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Discount on tickets

We always keep our prices low to keep our programme accessible to everyone, but of course we also like to reward our loyal visitors. For example, if you buy several tickets from the same theme, or if you attend several performances by the same artist. 


Friends are the foundation of existence is often said, it is no different for us. Our ever-growing group of friends is very dear to us. They support us with €25 a year. And of course, we are happy to do something in return, in the form of discounts on a whole range of selected performances, and friends also get access to ticket sales 24 hours earlier! Want to know more? Quickly go to this page and join our group of friends. 

Combi tickets

Combine performances and get a discount on your tickets.  

Combi ticket Peter & Julia - while you were partying and Open Mic Night: 25 euros instead of 32 euros
(note: different combinations possible on different days)

Combi ticket CATPC - talk and film programme: 12 euros instead of 14 euros

Peter & Julia
Gravity & Other Myths

<18 discount

Are you under 18? Then we are also happy to give you a discount on a selection of performances. 

Gravity & Other Myths - The Mirror: 17 instead of 21 euros Note: performance suitable for ages 8+ 

People Watching - Play Dead: 15 instead of 18 euros
Note: performance suitable from 10+ years 

You can select the special tickets when you go to buy tickets. 

Theme discount

Every year, we enjoy looking for the best (inter)national performances to present to you. In doing so, we do not programme within a predetermined theme. However, for a number of years there has been a secret thread running through our programming: the search for what it means to be human, and how we relate to each other and the world around us. 

To make it a little easier for you to choose from the large and diverse programme, this year we are highlighting three different themes arising from it.  

For all performances under a theme, there is the theme discount. If you choose three or more performances, lectures or concerts within a theme, you will automatically receive a 10% discount on your order when you order tickets online. 

You can read all about it on this page

Matìas Umpierrez

Other discounts

Stadjerspas (this is a special card/subscription for the locals of Groningen)
For Stadjers with a Stadjerspas, we offer discounts on a number of performances. Check stadjerspas.nl for the actions.

Food Bank
As we do every year, we will give parcels to the Food Bank in Groningen, containing children's tokens and tickets. 

Give a little extra & Quiet
When purchasing a ticket through our website, we always ask you if you would like to buy an extra ticket for someone who would like to attend a performance, but does not have the financial possibilities. Together with the Quiet Groningen Foundation, we will make sure your ticket goes to the right place.