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Themes in the programme

Every year we enjoy looking for the best (inter)national performances to present to you. We do not program within a predetermined theme. However, for some years now there has been a secret thread running through our programming: the search for what it means to be human, and how we relate to each other and the world around us.

To make it a little easier for you to choose from the large and diverse program, this year we are highlighting three different themes that stem from that.  

For all performances that fall under a theme, there is the theme discount. If you choose three or more performances, lectures or concerts within a theme, you will automatically receive a 10% discount on your order when you order tickets online.  

Thema: Pressure
Under pressure, everything becomes fluid, or does it? In this theme you will see work by makers that sometimes came about under difficult circumstances. Or discover stories that go beyond the items you see on the news and talk beyond the articles you read in the newspaper.

These performances fall under this theme:

Thema: The Old Now New
Back in the day everything used to be better? Well, it wasn't, but we can do a lot with our traditions. For example, blend them into brand new forms of theater, circus or dance. Or learn from them. Or see them in their value against all innovations. What do you think?  

These performances fall under this theme:

Thema: Me in the mirror
Who are we really and where do we come from? How do you want to come across? What do you leave behind for future generations? What do you take with you? In Who do you think we are? different creators search for answers in equally diverse ways.  

These performances fall under this theme: