La Chiva Gantiva (Belgium)
Concert (2013)
Lakka (Brazil)
Is the body the medium of dance? - Other Parts (2011)
L'Amicale de Production (France/Belgium)
We'll cross the bridge once we get to the river (2017)
Lagartijas Tiradas Al Sol (Mexico)
Tijuana (2017)
La Laguna/Agostina Lopéz (Argentina)
La Laguna (2013)
Lander Patrick (Portugal)
Arrastaõ (2015)
La Patogallina (Chile)
1907... el ano de la flor negra (2006)
Les Ombres Portées (France)
Les Somnambules (The Sleepwalkers) (2016)
Laura Veirs and the Hall of Flames (US)
Concert (2010)
La Serre (France)
La Serre (2003)
Latitude 14 (US)
Red Fly/Blue Bottle (2009)
La tristura (Spain)
Future Lovers (Unplugged) (2019)
Renaissance (2021)
Zombie Girls (2023) met Celso Giménez
Le Galaktic Ensemble (France)
Optraken (2019)
Lia Rodrigues (Brazil)
For the sky not to fall (2017)
Licedei (Russia)
Pokathuka (2002)
Semenyuki (2002)
Lígia Soares (Portugal)
Romance (2021)
Liquid Loft (Austria)
False Colored Eyes (Imploding Portraits Inevitable) (2016)
Lisa & The Lips (US/Sweden/Spain)
Concert (2016)
Little Annie (US/DE)
52 Jokers - with Beth B, Evilyn Frantic, Paul Wallfisch & Jim Coleman) (2022)
Local Natives (US)
Concert (2010)
LOD Muziektheater (Belgium)
Muur (2010)
Hoog Gras (2012)
Sneeuw (2015) - met Silbersee
Zonder bloed (2016)
Lola Arias (Argentina)
Mi Vida Despues (2009)
Lord Huron (US)
Concert (2013)
Los Bitchos (UK)
Concert (2023)
Los Galindos (Spain)
Maiurta (2014)
Low (US)
Concert (2007)
The Low Anthem (US)
Concert (2010)
Lubomyr Melnyk (Ukraine)
Concert (2016)
Lucidity Suitcase Intercontinental (US)
El Conquistador (2006)
Lukasz Twarkowski/STUDIO teatrgaleria (Poland)
The Employees (2023)
Lundahl & Seitl (Sweden)
An Elegy to the Medium of Film (2015)
Lucius (US)
Concert (2014)
Lucy Guerin Inc (Australia)
Split (2018)
Lucy Rose (UK)
Concert (2013
Luke George (Australia)
NOW NOW NOW (2012)
Concert (2021)
Lynette Wallworth (Australia)
Collisions (2018)