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Maarten Vos en Greg Haines (NL/UK)
Concert (2015)

Magnus (Belgium)
Concert (2014)

Maike Lond (Estonia)
10 journeys to a place where nothing happens (2014)

Maison du Malheur (NL)
Concert (2013)

MaisonDahlBonnema  (Belgium)
The Ballad of Ricky and Ronny (2008)
Ricky and Ronny and Hundred Stars (2010)

Malicho Vaca (Chile)
Reminiscencia (2023)

Mann Friday (GB)
Concert (2013)

Manual Cinema (VS)
Mementos Mori (2015)

Marco Chenevier (Italy)
This work about the orange (2019)

Marco da Silva Ferreira (Portugal)
Hu(r)mano (2016)

 Maria del Mar Moreno Y Su Grupo  (Spain)
Momentitos de Locura (2005)

 Maria Jerez  (Spain)
The Movie (2010)
The Perfect Alibi (2011)

 Mariano Pensotti  (Argentina)
El Pasado es un Animal Grotesco (2011)
Cineastas (2014) - in collaboration withGrupo Marea
Burning bright in the forest of the night (2017)
Diamante (2018) - in collaboration with Grupo Marea at the Ruhrtriennale
El Público (2020) - in collaboration with Grupo Marea
Los Ańos (The Years) (2022) - in collaboration with Grupo Marea

MartHa!tentatief (Belgium)
LOT (2013)

Marlene Bakker
Concert (2023)

Mario Batkovic (CH/BA)
Concert (2017)

Matanicola  (Germany)
Under (2005)
Ladies First (2007)

Mats Staub (Switserland)
21 - Memories of Growing Up (2016)
Death and Birth in My Life (2020)

Matthias Schack-Arnott (Australia)
Everywhen (2023)

Max Jury (VS)
Concert (2016)

Maya Fridman (RU/ES)
Medusa van Saskia Venegas (2023)

Megafaun (VS)
Concert (2010)

Meindert Talma (NL)
Het Bombardement (2005) - with The Negroes
Nu geloof ik wat er in de bijbel staat (2007) - with The Negroes
WERKMAN (2015) - with The Melisma Saxophone Quartet
Concert (2018) - with band
De Domela Passie (2022) - with Freek de Jonge

Membros (Brazilië)
Febre (2008)

Michel Groisman & Gabriela Duvivier (Brazilië)
Transferência (2012)

Michela Lucenti (Italië)
I Sette a Tebe (2007)

Michelle Ellsworth (VS)
Preparation for the Obsolescence of the Y Chromosome (2016)

Mike Daisey (VS)
Monopoly! (2007)
The Envoy's Dilemma (2008)

Minyo Crusaders (Japan)
Concert (2022)

Mischa Macpherson Trio (VK)
Concert (2015)

Miss Revolutionary Idol Berserker (Japan)
Ms Berserker ATTTTTACKS!! Elektro☆Schock☆Luv☆Luv☆Luv☆ Shout!!!!! (2013)

Mithkal Alzghair (Frankrijk/Servië)
Displacement (2017)

Momix (VS)
Momix in Orbit (2001)

Monotonix (Israel)
Concert (2010)

Moss (NL)
Concert (2011)

Mossoux-Bonté (België)
Twin Houses (2002)

Motus (Italië)
X.03 (2008)
Alexis. Una Tragedia Greca (2011)

Moullinex (Portugal/Duitsland)
Concert (2015)

M pumelelo Paul Grootboom (Zuid-Afrika)
Township Stories (2008)

Concert (2013)

The Mummers (VK)
Concert (2009)

Muziektheater Transparant (België)
Porselein (2011)

My Baby (NL)
Concert (2015)