Pablo Larraín (Chile)
Acceso (2015)
PanPan Theatre (Ireland)
Mac-Beth 7 (2004)
The Seagull and Other Birds (2015)
Parcels (Australia)
Concert (2017)
ParHasard (NL)
Concert (2023)
Parker Millsap (US)
Concert (2017)
Pathosformel (Italy)
La Timidezza delle Ossa (2008)
Pat Thomas & Kwashibu Area Band (Ghana)
Concert (2016)
Pavlov Medialab/E-lab (NL)
Inside Out (2008)
Open Mind | Live Lab (2009)
Open Mind | Time, what makes us tick? (2010)
Peeping Tom (Belgium)
Le Jardin (2003)
Penny Arcade (US)
Longing Lasts Longer (2016)
Perforator i.s.m. Nederlands Jeugd Strijkorkest (NL)
Als je weet waarom een vis praat (2022)
Peter Cat Recording Co. (India)
Concert (2019)
Peter Shub/Shubcraft (Germany)
Stand Up and Fall Down (2010)
Phantom Limb Company (US)
69º S (2011)
Philippe Quesne (France)
L'Effet de Serge (2009) - in collaboration with Vivarium Studio
Next Day (2014) - in collaboration with CAMPO (België)
Pichet Klunchun Dance Company (Thailand)
Nijinsky Siam (2010)
Black and White (2012)
Platform GRAS (NL)
Urban Tour (2016)
PME-ART (Canada)
The DJ Who Gave Too Much Information (2011)
Pokey LaFarge (US)
Concert (2013)
Pol Heyvaert (Belgium)
FML (Fuck My Life) (2010)
Polski Teatr Tanca (Poland)
The Battle between Carnival and Lent (2003)
Port O'Brien (US)
Concert (2009)
Post Presents Post (Australia)
Who's The Best? (2013)
Post uit Hessdalen (Belgium)
Man Strikes Back (2022)
Pouppe Theater (Iran)
Flight 745 (2017)
Prins S. en de Geit (NL)
Concert (2022)
Project M (Japan)
Mother (2017)
Public in Private/Clément Layes (Germany)
Allege (2012)
Puggy (Belgium)
Concert (2013)