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Walo & Hakkarainen (Finland)
Odotustila (2007)

Walter Hus and the Decap Automat Orchestra (Belgium)
Organ Jungle (2009)

Wang Chong & Emma Valente (Australia)
Made in China 2.0 (2023)

Wang Chong & Théâtre de Rêve Expérimental (China)
Ghosts 2.0 | 群鬼 2.0 (2018)
Constellations (2019)

Washed Out (US)
Concert (2011)

Warhaus (Belgium)
Concert (2016)

Warhola (Belgium)
Concert (2018)

WERC & Very Theatre (NL/Taiwan)
The place where we meet (2020)

Weronika Szczawínska/TR Warsawa (Poland)
Onco (2021)

White Denim (US)
Concert (2011)

Wichaya Artamat / For What Theatre (Thailand)
This Song Father Used to Sing (Three Days in May) (2022)

Concert (2021)

WIThWIT (Belgium)
Les Soeurs (De Zussen) 2016

World Inferno Friendship Society & Jay Scheib (US)
Addicted to Bad Ideas: Peter Lorre's 20th Century (2008)

Wunderbaum (NL)
Het Spookhuis der geschiedenis (2012)