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Andrea Salustri


An obsession with polystyrene and three years of research – MATERIA is juggling for the 21st Century to make the eyes pop and the heart flutter. Salustri is juggler and dancer, musician and philosopher. 

€ 14,-
55 minutes
No problem
Atlas - Noorderplantsoen
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© Milan Szypura

A magical choreography for polystyrene shapes and one human

One doesn’t necessarily associate polystyrene with magic and mystery, but in the hands of master manipulator Andrea Salustri it springs to life and jumps us into a whole new world of poetry and playfulness. Hovering in the most delicate of balances between dark encounter and intense meditation on movement, somewhere between discovery and destruction, a remarkable series of images brings us to the simplest of questions – in this game of physical impossibilities, who is the manipulator and who is the manipulated? 

Salustri is a juggler for the new age, and his images leave us free to roam in our imagination. MATERIA is a show for the conversations that will inevitably follow the show. How exactly did he do that? But do you really want to know? 

With after-talk on August 24th at 9:15PM.

Please note that a strobe is used in this performance.

This performance falls under the programme theme Dream On. When you visit 3 or more performances from one theme, you receive a 10% discount on your tickets. Read more here.

An object-theatre odyssey. Andrea Salustri gives polystyrene shapes a life of their own. A wordless performance somewhere between juggling and choreography.


Wednesday 23 August

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Thursday 24 August

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Friday 25 August

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Saturday 26 August

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© Milan Szypura
© Milan Szypura
© Milan Szypura

About the artist

Andrea Salustri comes from Rome, where he learned contact juggling, fire manipulation, and has been working as a street artist. Since 2008 he has been learning piano as an autodidact. In 2013 he graduated cum laude in Philosophy at La Sapienza University in Rome, then decided to move to Berlin to pursue an education in contemporary dance. He first completed the Dance Intensive programme at Tanzfabrik Berlin, and successively studied dance and choreography at HZT Berlin University. Andrea’s interest grows in the edges between juggling, dance and music. Where does the manipulation of an object become a dance piece rather than a juggling act? What happen if a certain dance quality of the body produces a specific kind of manipulation of an object? Or if the manipulation of an object is functional to produce specific sounds? Shifting the focus and the context of a piece challenge and transform its identity, and this is an extremely interesting and productive place.