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Alistair Sung i.s.m. Soundsofmusic

Concert in de Synagoge

Alistair Sung is a classically trained cello player who does not acknowledge any musical boundaries whatsoever.

€ 12,-
50 minutes
Language no problem
Check times

Classical cello music with an ambient electronic under layer

Alistair Sung is a classically trained cello player who does not acknowledge any musical boundaries whatsoever. Born and raised in Australia, he initially studied music in Sidney and Sweden, ultimately settling in the Netherlands in 2012 following love. Currently, he is a member of the Cello Octet Amsterdam, as well as of the Berlin Stargaze Collective. In 2016, he signed up with the latter for the soundtrack of the Oscar winning movie The Revenant. At Noorderzon he will perform his latest album Shared Space – a perfect mix of electronic as well as cello music, all presented in an equally mystical site: the Synagogue in Groningen.


Sunday 21 August

Available times

14:30 16:30