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Dag Taeldeman & Andrew Van Ostade


A timely post-Covid music and dance release ritual performance, featuring thrilling frenzied beats, deep-sound guitar lines and an invitation to finally just let it all go.

€ 12,-
50 minutes
Language no problem
Castor - Noorderplantsoen
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© Robin Stevens

Ecstatic ritual anno 2022

The word ‘knaldrang’ was chosen as the Belgian Word of the Year in 2021. According to the Dutch/Flemish Van Dale dictionary it means something like the ‘intense need to party’. A quite recognisable impulse for many after all recent lockdowns. However, the dictionary could just as easily have given Bodybodybodybody as its definition. This inciting composition of the Flemish musicians Dag Taeldeman and Andrew Van Ostade is inspired by the Tantarella: a traditional South-Italian dance popularly thought to ward off evil spirits and diseases.

From the first second, the brisk pace immediately grabs you by the throat. Accompanied by a hard beat and drum, the faint, mysterious voices of the duo transport you to their fever dream.


Friday 26 August

Available times


Saturday 27 August

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About the artist

BodyBody consists of musicians Dag Taeldeman and Andrew van Ostade. Both have a history in the rock and pop scene (the bands A Brand and School is Cool respectively) and they work both together and separately as composers for theater. Dag studied jazz and guitar at the Jazz Studio in Antwerp and also works as a music producer and film composer (for Lieve Blancquaert and Jacqueline Van Vugt, among others). Andrew is a drummer and actor and directs films himself, such as the children's film 'De Gebroeders Schimm'. Together they are currently working on the performance 'Do The Calimero' by Lies Pauwels. They are assisted on stage by dancer and choreographer Matteo Sedda and soprano Lies Vandewege.