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Igor Cardellini / Tomas Gonzalez

L’Âge d’Or (De Gouden Eeuw)

Set within the décor of a local shopping centre, a guided tour to the mirage of endless growth and infinite abundance, with a special eye for the role that architecture has played in us all ‘buying in’.

€ 9,-
70 minutes
Dutch spoken
Winkelcentrum Lewenborg
This performance might be limited in accessibility.
Check times
© Anthony Gerace

Lewenborg like you have never seen it before

A bank, offices, shopping malls. What do all these mostly less attractive sites tell us about the world we live in and its ideals? With the architecture of these strongholds of capitalism, wage labour and consumption as a starting point, young theatre makers Igor Cardellini and Tomas Gonzalez invite you to join them in exploring these questions. This theatrical guided tour will take you together with a tiny group of other people along well-known sites in Lewenborg which ordinarily seem to escape our attention. Meanwhile, Cardellini and Gonzalez will be simultaneously conducting a different study of their own: how do people react when visiting such sites as a group?

English paper translation available on site.
Visitors will receive an email with instructions how to get there prior to the performance.


Tuesday 23 August

Available times

14:30 16:30

Wednesday 24 August

Available times

14:30 16:30

Thursday 25 August

Available times

14:30 16:30

Friday 26 August

Available times

14:30 16:30

Saturday 27 August

Available times

14:30 16:30
© Michiel de Vijver
© Michiel de Vijver
© Michiel de Vijver

About the artist

Tomas Gonzalez has been teaching at the University of Performing Arts La Manufacture in Lausanne since 2017. His research focuses on the processes of copy, imitation and reactivation. He collaborates with Jérôme Bel, Milo Rau, Yan Duyvendak, Stefan Kaegi, Mohammad Al Attar, Sara Leghissa.

Igor Cardellini studied Anthropology, Sociology and Political science. He considers power relationships in intersectional  dimension and how they can be reactivated or put at play in the context of performances. He collaborates with the choreographers Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui and Jérôme Bel as well as with Émilie Chariot.