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Little Annie

52 Jokers (i.s.m. Beth B, Evilyn Frantic, Paul Wallfisch & Jim Coleman)

An evening of music, stories, emotion and secrets, inspired by the life and times of legendary New York underground performer Little Annie, with support from musician Paul Wallfisch and cult film maker Beth B amongst others.

€ 13,-
70 minutes
English spoken
Castor - Noorderplantsoen
Check times
© Paul Wallfisch

Extraordinary singer, extraordinary life

A legendary performer from the New York underground scene graces us for one evening with her presence in our big Castor Spiegeltent – we are greatly honoured. Little Annie, who once joked that her autobiography should be called It Seemed Like A Good Idea at the Time, co-created – together with co-icons Beth B, Evilyn Frantic, Paul Wallfisch and Jim Coleman – this multimedia theatre concert. With lots of humour, emotion and a touch of caustic self-criticism she unpacks her endless suitcase full of secrets.


Friday 19 August

Available times

© Paul Wallfisch
(c) Brianna Hamlin
(c) Paul Wallfisch
(c) Paul Wallfisch

About the artist

52 Jokers Naming  

The unheard of and seeing the unseen have been themes in my work since the late 1970s. With an eye for creating dialogue, community, and a place for self-knowledge and acceptance, my films bring people's relationship to life. with their bodies focused on topics such as identity, sexuality, gender, and power exposed. In 52 JOKERS, Little Annie and Evilyn Frantic radically explore the quest for connection and the universal pain behind heartbreak, desire, memories and redemption. 

~Beth B

Little Annie is the best friend you've ever had. She takes you to the other side of heartache.