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Prins S. en de Geit

Concert at Apollo

Prins S. en De Geit makes a mix of uplifting, raw dance beats and funny Dutch lyrics and harbours a wealth of musical and performance experience, skill and training.

Free entrance
60 minutes
Language no problem
Apollo - Noorderplantsoen
© Gordon Meuleman

Extra nice into your weekend with Dutch electrodiscop

Ready for an absurdist, out-of-this-world performance? The Hague electro-sensation Prins S. en de Geit make tunes that stay in your head all day and leave a big smile on your face. Synthesizers spit one freaky sound effect after another at you, while Prins S. takes you into his world, full of somewhat strange but beautiful poetic lyrics. They were one of the big discoveries at Noorderslag last year, and are just coming back with a (free!) show at Apollo during Noorderzon. It's hip-hop, it's electro-pop, it's totally awesome.

26 Aug | 22:15 hrs | free entrance

'Prins S. is een cultfiguur in wording, zo'n act waar iedereen het de volgende dag over heeft. 'Op een feest de hele dansvloer onder braken: kan je niet maken!'