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Young Academy Groningen (YAG)

Flash lectures

Enthusiastic scientists from the University of Groningen talk about the most diverse subjects, in the shortest lectures of Noorderzon. Every afternoon and evening, you can use headphones to catch up on exceptional and surprising research and subjects.

Free entrance
English spoken
Callisto - Noorderplantsoen

Get up to date on a variety of issues in 15 minutes

How do hallucinations work? Can we trust the software we use all day long? What is the psychology behind good-doing and are we earthlings not just a terrible anomaly in this cosmos? Enthusiastic scientists from the University of Groningen talk about the most diverse issues, in the shortest lectures of Noorderzon. Every afternoon and evening, you can use headphones to catch up on exceptional and surprising research and subjects.

18-22 August | 16.00, 16.30, 19.00 & 19.30h | free entrance

All English lectures below ('more info')

About the artist

Door | Marijke Leliveld, Léonie de Jonge, Franciska de Beer, Lenny Marapin, Laura Cuijpers, Jocelien Olivier, Jorge Pérez, Anastasiia Krushynska, Pratika Dayal, Billie de Haas