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Ensemble Klang / Peter Adriaansz

Environments i.s.m. Soundsofmusic

A piece of music that makes you forget all time, by one of the best Dutch composers of our time, some say. 

€ 15,-
85 minutes
No problem
Lutherse Kerk
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© Jasper van Gheluwe

This is gonna be something

Environments is a personal musical investigation into the relationship between the individual and society and our changing sense of time. The piece by acclaimed composer Peter Adriaansz places listeners at the centre, immersing them in a bath of swirling sound, spoken text and lush harmonies. Performed by The Hague-based Ensemble Klang.  

This personal 85-minute work, Peter Adriaansz's largest to date, builds an ensemble around an array of specially tuned guitars, horns, vibraphones, keyboards and synthesisers. What exactly to expect? We won't give that away, but that it will be an experience is one thing that is certain.  


Tuesday 27 August

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About the artist

About Peter Adriaansz 
Peter Adriaansz is a musical loner and does not belong to any school. Sound always comes first with him; vibration, sound that goes into your body. For the masterful Scala II, he won the Matthijs Vermeulen prize, the most important composition prize in the Netherlands, in 2015. For Environments, he used texts by Robert M. Pirsig (Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance) and philosopher and Zen expert Alan Watts, among others. Ensemble Klang has been working closely with Adriaansz for 12 years and is the dreamed-of interpreter of his radical but beautiful music. 

About Ensemble Klang 
Ensemble Klang, founded in The Hague in 2003, has quickly developed into 'one of the top ensembles' (NRC) in the rich Dutch contemporary music scene through its innovative programmes, commissioning some of today's most exciting composers and establishing its own record label. Projects have included Heiner Goebbels, David Lang, Tom Johnson, Julia Wolfe, Michael Hersch and Peter Adriaansz. The unique yet versatile instrumentation - saxophones, trombone, keyboards, percussion, guitar, electronics - generates the energetic drive and passion of a band.