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The Perfect 15


The majority is always right.

The majority is turning into Rhinoceros.

Therefore, turning into a Rhinoceros is right.

Do you get it?

Do you understand?

Free entrance
55 minutes
English spoken
This performance might be limited in accessibility.
This show is sold out
© Lex Vesseur

Unique improvisation between the public and the performers

Inspired by the absurdist play Rhinoceros by Eugene Ionesco, immerse yourself into the rejection of realism and rationality whilst on the quest to become The Perfect 15. Written post-WWII, Ionesco references with his short play social and political life in Romania on the eve of the war whilst exposing human beings’ desire to conform and the attraction of ideologies that promote aggression and control.

Unfortunately this performance has been canceled. 

About the artist

ShELFISH produces and presents interdisciplined theatre with a social-political involvement. The projects define themselves in co-creating an event of theatre with its spectator; co-creating a common time and space to share and reflect on complex and difficult sides of our individual and shared existence and environment. The projects offspring from uncomfortable, confronting, intimate, moving yet unavoidable questions emerging from subjects straight out of the heart of society. ShELFISH believes in theatre as a place to discover thingsyou don’t know yet or don’t want to know. We see theatre as an opportunity of common solidarity to judge what happens around, an opportunity to question our laws and behaviour. ShELFISH is a Groningen-based theatre organization with artistic leadership by actor/director Veerle Van Overloop, inclose dialogue with dancer/choreographer Olympia Kotopoulos and dramaturg Judith Blankenberg. Together with Karlijn Vermeij for communication/marketing and business producer Frits Selie, they form the core team.