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Out Innerspace Dance Theatre


Visually vibrant, virtuosic high-energy dance from Vancouver that celebrates how needing to overcome challenges can shape and bring out the beauty in us. 

€ 16,-
68 minutes
Language no problem
Grand Theatre
Check times

A stunning dark fantasy world in which the laws of nature no longer exist

“Yes, I believe we’re about to begin...” are the ominous first words of the trailer of this thrilling performance by the Canadian dance company Out Innerspace. And then, well … then the show really begins! Walls of light start popping up, as well as spooky shadows one can disappear in: the laws of nature no longer seem to exist in this fantasy world created by directors David Raymond and Tiffany Tregarthen.

The dancing is athletic, satisfying and accomplished. Tregarthen and Raymond’s vision is jaw-droppingly original. This is bold and exciting contemporary dance.


Monday 22 August

Available times


Tuesday 23 August

Available times

(c) Alistair Maitland
(c) Alistair Maitland
(c) Alistair Maitland

About the artist

Out Innerspace is a Vancouver based Contemporary Dance organization founded in 2007 by directors David Raymond and Tiffany Tregarthen. OIS has dedicated over 10 years to creating extraordinary and integral dance experiences through uncompromising rigour and unreserved ingenuity. Full-length works Me So You So Me (2012), Vessel (2010, 2013) and Major Motion Picture (2015) have enjoyed 5 National Tours and performances for 23 schools through ArtStarts. Major Motion Picture is the 2014 recipient of the CanDance Creation Fund commission. OIS was a featured company at the 2017 MilanOltre Festival in Italy and celebrated as “One of the most beautiful and interesting works of the entire festival.” (labottegadelbarbieri.org). Their latest creation, Bygones is co-produced by L’Agora de la Danse, La Rotonde and Dance Victoria and was awarded 2019 Crystal Dance Prize and Dance Centre Artistic Residency.