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Peter and Julia

while you were partying

A heady mix of vulnerable positions and full on hammer strikes, a fresh and funny uncompromising theatre world that digs deep into the ugly side of us to reveal the human beyond. 

€ 16,-
50 minutes
Check times

Unflinching detail, the darkest of comedies, the uncomfortable truth

“Julia, you have an assignment. 
Your assignment is to write something about me. 
I have to be in it. 
And it has to be about my suicide. 
And it has to be funny.”

In their work the critically-acclaimed American duo Julia Mounsery and Peter Mills Weiss tackle difficult issues around violence, aggression, sexual impotence and problematic entitlement amongst online communities of men. Created in close collaboration with standup comedian Brian Fiddyment, ‘while you were partying’ brings Peter and Julia’s signature mix of slippery Auto-Fiction, sparse design and clever new media to bear on a deceptively simple question – how do we face the ugliest parts of ourselves? Two of New York’s most radical younger generation hold up a candle to the inner self. They don’t want you to necessarily sleep so well at night. 

Want to go to this performance and Open Mic Night? Buy combo tickets and get a discount. You can read all about it here.

It burrows under the skin like a parasite. There has not been a day since I saw this show when I did not think about it.


Sunday 25 August

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Monday 26 August

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Tuesday 27 August

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Wednesday 28 August

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Thursday 29 August

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About the artist

Peter Mills Weiss and Julia Mounsey make work that grapples with questions of cruelty, authenticity, deception, entertainment and power. They value simple language, functional design, autobiography and vulnerability. The work has been presented at Under the Radar at the Public Theater, La MaMa, JACK, Soho Rep, the Deutches Schauspielhaus in Hamburg and the Radikal Jung festival at the Munich Volkstheater in Munich. They were both members of the 2017-2019 Soho Rep Writer/ Director Lab, the 2017-2018 Devised Theater Working Group at the Public Theater, and were Baryshnikov Arts Center Resident Artists in 2019. Julia has worked at New York City Players, Soho Rep and was assistant director on Young Jean Lee's Straight White Men. Peter has performed for or collaborated with artists such as 600 Highwaymen, The Wooster Group and Richard Foreman. The play While You Were Partying was a 2021 New York Times Critics' Choice.


Creator/Performers - Julia Mounsey and Peter Mills Weiss
Co-Creator/Performer - Brian Fiddyment
Touring Performer - Hannah Kallenbach
Producer- Aaron Profumo
Dramaturg/Lighting Designer - Kate McGee
Scenic Design - dots

Video Design - Matt Rommein
Co-Sound Designer - Michael Hernandez
Co-Sound Designer - Kimberly O’loughlin
Touring Sound Designer- Eben Hoffer
Consulting Creative Producer - Ann Marie Dorr
Soho Rep Technical Director -  Steven Brenman 
Soho Rep Stage Manager - K. Hurley