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Khashabi Theatre / Bashar Murkus and Khulood Basel

YES DADDY حاضر ياأبي

An elderly man, a young escort, and a night that erases itself. Exploring the thin lines of morality and freedom, Palestinian director Bashar Murkus is back with a multi-layered duet of fighting and embracing human instincts. 

€ 18,-
75 minutes
Arabic with English subtitles
Grand Theatre
This performance might be limited in accessibility.
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What do you do when no one is looking?

Thought-provoking like no other, Palestinian collective Khashabi Theatre, Bashar Murkus and Khulood Basel return to Noorderzon with a complex tale of manipulation in search of deeply human truths.  

A man with a fragile grasp on reality meets a younger man who claims to be his hired escort for the evening. As the night unfolds, it becomes clear that the elderly man’s memory fades with each passing minute; he easily forgets the young man’s presence or even mistakes him for other people. The young man finds himself in a dubious place of freedom. He suddenly has complete control, where his actions bear no witness or consequence. As the two men share a night of fleeting comfort and pain, moral limits are pushed to known edges. How far might someone go to fend off loneliness, even if it means committing harmful acts? What, if anything, can curb our deepest instincts when no one is watching? 

This performance falls under the Pressure theme and you can get theme discounts. For more information, check out this page


Friday 30 August

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Saturday 31 August

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Sunday 1 September

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Khulood Basel
Khulood Basel

About the artist

Since 2011 Bashar Murkus, a playwright and director, and Khulood Basel, a creative producer and dramaturge, work together in combining artistic vision and independent political production thinking. The duo creates original theatrical works by delving into long-term theatrical research paths, driven by a desire to raise questions about important human and political themes to audiences in Palestine and the world. 

Khulood Basel and Bashar Murkus manage the Khashabi Theatre in Haifa, which they co-founded with a group of Palestinian theatre makers. 

Khashabi Theatre is an independent Palestinian theatre that works towards a society that freely practices art and creativity as a natural right, and strives to renew its cultural identity by placing independent culture front and centre. It is a space that challenges societal, political, and artistic taboos and forms a renewed state of art that depends on cooperation and mutual support. 


A creation of Bashar Murkus and Khulood Basel 
Written and directed by Bashar Murkus 
Production of Khulood Basel - Khashabi Theatre 
With: Makram J. Khoury and Anan Abu Jabir 
Scenography: Majdala Khoury 
Dramaturgy: Khulood Basel 
Light Design and Technical Direction: Muaz Al Jubeh 
Director Assistant: Nancy Mkaabal 
Translation: Lore Baeten 

The work is supported by: A.M. Qattan Foundation & Arab Fund for Art and Culture - AFAC