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Leonardo Manzan

Glory Wall

A giant, 12 meter long, all-encompassing wall sits on the stage. No actors are ever seen. The award-winning Glory Wall relentlessly ponders the paradox of freedom in censorship with inviting chaos. 

€ 18,-
70 minutes
Italian, with English subtitles
Grand Theatre
This performance might be limited in accessibility.
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A hilariously radical provocation by a twelve-meter wall

“This is a show about censorship”. These are the words projected onto a twelve-meter-long wall standing in front of the audience, completely obscuring the stage behind it. A few arms dangle through it, trying to communicate with gestures. A mouth raps vulgarities through a small hole in the middle. With nothing ever fully shown, Glory Wall proves that censorship does not kill creativity. But who is really at fault? The restrictions imposed on the uncontrollables, or us having enough freedom to start restricting ourselves and each other? Glory Wall by the young trailblazing director Leonardo Manzan is a brilliantly funny assertion on (self)censorship in modern times, with karaoke, rapping, famously dubious dead men, and a big ‘f* you’ to rules and conventions of the current theatre climate. The performance was crowned ‘best play’ at the Venice Biennale in 2020, when the festival’s theme was ‘censorship’. 

With aftertalk on August 25th at 21:30

This performance falls under the The Old Now New theme and you can get theme discounts. For more information, check out this page

Manzan has interpreted censorship [...] as a provocative reflection on power, or the lack of it, in our theatre


Friday 23 August

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Saturday 24 August

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Sunday 25 August

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Monday 26 August

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Tuesday 27 August

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About the artist

LEONARDO MANZAN, born in 1992, graduated as an actor from the Civica Scuola di Arte Drammatica Paolo Grassi in Milan. He made his directorial debut with the play It's App to You (winner of numerous awards including InBox 2018). He won the Biennale di Venezia 2018/19 category for directors under 30 with the show-concert Cirano deve morire. Invited to the Biennale Teatro 2020, he presented the show Glory Wall, which won the award for Best Play, and is his personal interpretation of the Festival's theme: censorship.