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Matías Umpierrez


For nine millennia, people have been hiding their faces to chase the idea of becoming something ‘other’ than their one limited identity. Matías Umpierrez’ spellbinding solo performance dissects our obsession with (un)becoming ourselves. 

€ 18,-
90 minutes
Spanish with English subtitles
Grand Theatre
Check times
© Sebastian Arpesella

From astronaut to deepfake: who's behind the mask?

You’re invited to attend an exclusive conference of forgotten mask-wearers and secret societies. An enthralling yet completely unidentifiable lecturer will weave stories together about what the most kissed face in human history, the Anonymous hacker group and your social media profile have in common.  

This performance falls under the The Old Now New theme and you can get theme discounts. For more information, check out this page


Monday 26 August

Available times


Tuesday 27 August

Available times


Wednesday 28 August

Available times

© Sebastián Arpesella
© Sebastián Arpesella
© Geraldine Leloutre
© Sebastián Arpesella
© Sebastián Arpesella

About the artist

Matías Umpierrrez’s work is an investigation into the relation existing between the public and fiction. Through this inquiry, his projects set themselves at the frontier of the performing arts, visual arts and curatorial projects generating dialectics between memory- oblivion-spectator-stage-scene-territory. His work, thus, creates dialog in a global manner—changing locations, languages, mediums and disciplines. His projects have been presented in different cities around the world and in unconventional spaces such as train stations, food factories, forests, or recognized theatres, cinemas and museums.